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2010 Tropical Storm Erika - Elkhorn Coral Restoration Project in Saba working with other volunteers and scientists trying out different methods to reattach the damaged Elkhorn corals. We continued to observe it over time then worked to institute the proven method in other reefs that has sustained similar damage.

2010 Hurricane Alex - Belize-tree clearing, beach cleanups and assisted dive shops in doing repairs. 

2014 Typhoon Haiyan- Malapascua, Philippines- provided reef evaluation, medical assistance to the elderly, site cleanup, clothes drive, and delivered school supplies. I also brought a group of divers to assist me to help the local tourist industry.

2015-current  Worldwide Christian Scuba Divers Board of Directors and travel coordinator. See relief work details below.

2016 Hurricane Patricia - Cayman Brac WCSDO- worked with local community members rebuilding structures, painting and providing home furnishings. Youth Conservation Awareness Presentation. 140+ in attendance. 

2017 & 2019 Grenada WCSDO Helped out the Bel Air Foster Home painting the structure, delivering kitchen and hygiene supplies. Presented Conservation Awareness Program to 140+people. Taught swimming with Learn To Swim founder Deb Eastwood, an initiative to provide free swim lessons to local children. “Once they learn not to fear the ocean and what is beneath it, then they will start respecting it more”. I will be returning this fall to do similar work. Spoke at St George’s University Marine mammal class, Marine EcoSystems Conservation Effort organized by Christine Finney owner of ECO DIVE.

2018 Hurricane Winston  - FIJI  WCSDO  We worked with the
Melecke tribe providing furniture, linens, medical supplies and 200 pairs of eyeglasses for the local medical facility. Presented Youth Conservation Program to 150+people.  Week II we were in Tavanu, we worked with locals that lost most of the structures during Hurricane Winston. We helped to rebuild a community meeting house, purchased generators, left 150 pair of eyeglasses and medical supplies.   I also worked with the chief’s daughter mentoring her about a marine career(see Rising Sea Stars.) We brought her a full set of dive gear to use for her open water class, the shark dive center she interned at and she is now employed doing coral research on the main island. A woman doing this kind of work is a breakthrough in her society.  

2018 Hurricane Irma - Dominica-WCSDO- organized a group of divers to paint homes of the elderly, brought clothes, medical and school supplies. We were the first dive group to visit the island after the hurricane. We surveyed the reef to see what damage had occurred, as well as hunting the lionfish that had moved in.  I appeared on local TV and radio stations.  Radio 55 on Nov 6 and the TV segment aired on
Marpin News Nov 9 with the results of my reef evaluation.

2019 Cozumel WCSDO -completed a 5-year community center building project, culminating with a grand opening celebration and my underwater slide presentation to the local youth to teach them about ocean conservation. 150+ in attendance. 

2020 Roatan - delievered $10,000 of medical supplies, 100 little girl dresses, 100 pair of eye glasses, painted homes and replaced floors in personal homes., 


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